Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise
Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_1
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_1
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_2
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_2
Steam over Lake Champlain
Steam over Lake Champlain
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_1
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_1
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_2
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_2
Pink Sunrise over Mount Mansfield
Pink Sunrise over Mount Mansfield
Rays of Sunlight with Church Steeple
Rays of Sunlight with Church Steeple
Rays of Sunlight over Lake Champlain
Rays of Sunlight over Lake Champlain
Clouds Rising around Mount Mansfield
Clouds Rising around Mount Mansfield
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_1
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_1
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_cropped
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_cropped
Camel's Hump with Canadian Geese
Camel's Hump with Canadian Geese
Clouds Rising around Camel's Hump
Clouds Rising around Camel's Hump
Bird and Large Sun at Sunrise
Bird and Large Sun at Sunrise
Bird at Pink Sunrise
Bird at Pink Sunrise
Orange Sunrise with Clouds
Orange Sunrise with Clouds
Camel's Hump with Christmas Lights at Sunrise
Camel's Hump with Christmas Lights at Sunrise
Orange Clouds with Bird
Orange Clouds with Bird
Helicopter at Sunrise
Helicopter at Sunrise
Helicopter and Contrail at Sunrise
Helicopter and Contrail at Sunrise
Large Sun at Sunrise
Large Sun at Sunrise
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_1
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_1
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_2
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_2
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_3
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_3
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_4
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_4
Bird in Setting Sun over Lake Champlain
Bird in Setting Sun over Lake Champlain
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_1
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_1
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_2
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_2
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_3
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_3
Kayaker on Lake Champlain at Sunset
Kayaker on Lake Champlain at Sunset
Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_1
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_2
Steam over Lake Champlain
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_1
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_2
Pink Sunrise over Mount Mansfield
Rays of Sunlight with Church Steeple
Rays of Sunlight over Lake Champlain
Clouds Rising around Mount Mansfield
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_1
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_cropped
Camel's Hump with Canadian Geese
Clouds Rising around Camel's Hump
Bird and Large Sun at Sunrise
Bird at Pink Sunrise
Orange Sunrise with Clouds
Camel's Hump with Christmas Lights at Sunrise
Orange Clouds with Bird
Helicopter at Sunrise
Helicopter and Contrail at Sunrise
Large Sun at Sunrise
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_1
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_2
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_3
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_4
Bird in Setting Sun over Lake Champlain
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_1
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_2
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_3
Kayaker on Lake Champlain at Sunset
Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_1
Geese and Steam over Lake Champlain at Sunrise_2
Steam over Lake Champlain
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_1
Snow Covered Mount Mansfield_2
Pink Sunrise over Mount Mansfield
Rays of Sunlight with Church Steeple
Rays of Sunlight over Lake Champlain
Clouds Rising around Mount Mansfield
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_1
Hot Air Balloons and Canada Geese_cropped
Camel's Hump with Canadian Geese
Clouds Rising around Camel's Hump
Bird and Large Sun at Sunrise
Bird at Pink Sunrise
Orange Sunrise with Clouds
Camel's Hump with Christmas Lights at Sunrise
Orange Clouds with Bird
Helicopter at Sunrise
Helicopter and Contrail at Sunrise
Large Sun at Sunrise
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_1
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_2
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_3
Wind Turbines at Sunrise_4
Bird in Setting Sun over Lake Champlain
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_1
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_2
Paddleboarder on Lake Champlain at Sunset_3
Kayaker on Lake Champlain at Sunset
show thumbnails